Klifurfélag Vestfjarða

Klifurnámskeið og -keppni

Sunnudaginn 16. febrúar verður haldið klifurnámskeið. Viku síðar verður svo skemmtileg klifurkeppni. Það er hann Brendan Kirby okkar sem sér um þetta. Allt fer fram á ensku og má finna frekari upplýsingar hér neðar á ensku.

On Sunday the 16th of February there will be a climbing seminar. A week later there will be a fun climbing competition. It´s our Brendan Kirby who will take care of this. Everything will be in English. More info can be found here below:


On Sunday, February 16th from 19:00 – 20:00 come learn more about climbing in a free beginner’s seminar!

Think climbing is just for pros? Think again. Indoor climbing is a fun and friendly way to challenge yourself. It all starts right here!

This seminar (in English) will teach you the basics of what indoor rock climbing is and if it’s the right sport for you.

We will explain the different forms of climbing, what is needed to learn the sport, the funny vocabulary we use, and some tips for beginners. If time and numbers allow, we can have a climbing session afterwards.

It’s never too late to pick up a new hobby. Some climbers are ten years old and others are still going strong at seventy.

If you would like to attend, please fill in your information with the link below or by following the QR code on the attached poster.

All ages can attend but most information caters to those aged 13+.

Get stoked about it and I hope to see you on the 16th!


On Sunday February 23rd at 14:30 take part in this free, inclusive, and challenging experience!

Do you want to join the rock revolution? Now is the time.

Introducing Ísafjörður’s first ‘fun’ rock climbing competition!!

Whether you’re a new climber, a runner, a lifter, or a skier, this could be the competition for you and your friends (age 13+).

All participants will be given a prize for attending and you’ll have three hours to do as many of these physical and mental puzzles as you can.

The whole competition is aimed at beginner, intermediate, and even for first timers! 

If you would like to attend, please fill in your information with the link below or by following the QR code on the attached poster.

Remember, this is a friendly competition although we hope you try your best and give it what you got. Get your fingers ready, it’s time to crush it!

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Eldri fréttir og pistlar

Framboð til stjórnar

[English below] Framboð til stjórnar Við minnum á aðalfundinn sem verður haldinn í gamla skátaheimilinu, þar sem inniklifuraðstaðan er (Mjallargötu

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Aðalfundarboð [English below]   Klifurfélag Vestfjarða heldur aðalfund sinn, fimmtudaginn 2. maí nk., klukkan 17:00. Fundurinn verður í gamla skátaheimilinu,

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